n U
light straw colour, aids the smooth, round puran in agreeably
surprising the eye of a stranger by a new kind of architecture,
as admirable as it is simple. Around the house, instead
of a wall, ai-e strong canes, regularly placed between the supporting
posts, at distances (one or two inches) equal to the
diameter of the canes; they are driven into the ground, and
secured to the roof; one opening only is left for a door. Within
are some screens of native cloth, or framed bed-places, or simply
mats spread upon dry grass. There are a few low stools, some
baskets, joints of bamboo holding cocoa-nut oil, and calabashes
with water, besides a vai-iety of smaller things, which I had
not time to examine. What house in a tropical climate could
be more agreeable than one of these elegant wicker-work cottages,
shaded round by large trees, and profiting by the fresh
air of every breeze.?
Pretty shades for the face (they cannot be called hats, as they
encircle and project from, without covering the head) are made
with the palm-leaves. When fresh, adorned by white, or deep
red flowers, and tastefully placed, this head-dress is unique and
Perhaps my eyes were prejudiced in favour of features and
complexion ; for the shambling gait and flat noses of the native
women had no charms for me. I saw no beauty among them ;
and either they ai'e not as handsome as they were said to be, or
my ideas are fastidious. The men, on the other hand, exceed
every idea formed from the old descriptions.
On this day, with us the 16th, but to agree with the reckoning
of Otaheite and those who came from the west, changed to
the 17th, I was fully occupied in making observations upon
the spot where once stood Cook’s observatory, a classical, and
to us, important place. Upon the situation of tlus celebrated
point, Venus, depend most of the geographical positions of
islands in the South Sea; and its locality upon our globe
has been deemed well known. Messrs. Wales, Green, and
Bayley are particularly entitled to the greatest share of credit
for having by their observations attained to so great a degree
of accuracy.
Wliile we were engaged with the instruments on shore, a crowd
of natives were eagerly displaying their merchandise along side
or on board the ship. From the dawn of day, until they were
admitted at breakfast time, canoes had been approaching from
every direction. Their occupants had heard of the dollars, and
every canoe within reach had been loaded. This sort of competition
could not last; so 1 thought it better to give them as
much opportunity to dispose of their wares as onr small deck
allowed; and desired Lieut. Wickham to let the market be
held till trade grew dull. Some wanted to build us a house;
many asked to be allowed to wash our clothes. There appeared
to be no want of will to work, if dollars were to be gained.
On shore it was difficult to make the required ob.servations,
among a crowd of curious observers of ourselves and our instruments
; for though they readily drew back as far as we wished,
it was quite impossible to keep them from rumiing about and
shaking the ground. While employed with the dipping needle
under a tent, I thought myself fortified ; but they besieged the
small opening so closely, in their eagerness to see the sight,
that the heat caused by a vertical sun was soon increased to
that of an oven, from their thus blocking up the only air-hole.
At my return to the sliip in the evening, I found that the
fair had not lasted above an hour after breakfast. All the natives
had behaved well excepting two; one of whom absconded with
the top of a brass stanchion. The other tried to carry off an
axe; but was detected, and pointed out to the more respectable
of his countrymen, who said he should be tried, and that
his sentence would probably be a fine of ten hogs.*
This evening some of our party were much pleased hy hearing
the pretty plaintive songs of the children, as they sat in '
groups upon the shore. Their voices accord in the most perfect
manner; and, although the tunes are rather monotonous,
^ • The man who tried to steal the axe wa fined eight hogs and a large
piece of cloth. Five of the pigs went to the queen, and three were sent
on board the Beagle. The cloth was given to the man who caught the
thief. ®
VOL. I I . 2 I,