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the ocean descends, and made chiefly in temperate or cold
Having no pretension to more knowledge than any observant
seaman may acquire in tbe course of a few years active
employment afloat, it would be as vain as presumptuous in
me, were I to offer any conjecture about the central mass of
the earth. Perhaps, at a future day, when the nature of
aerolites”; the agency of electricity ; and of electric communication
through the superficial, if not through the interior
regions of the globe, are better known, other opinions, respecting
this wonderful world which we inhabit, may be formed by
I have now fulfilled my intention of endeavouring to he
useful, in however small a degree, to young persons of my
own profession. If the few remarks laid before them, in
this and the preceding chapter, at all increase their interest in
the subjects spoken of ; and tend, even in the least, to warn
them against assenting hastily to new theories—while they
induce a closer examination into the Record of truth—ray
object in writing them will be fully attained.
Î N D E X.
Aborigines of South America—names
and peculiarities of divisions. 129,
130—territories, language, 13t, 132
'—numbers, 133— Patagonians, size,
colour, dress, height, huts, arms,
horses, country, 133-137—Fuegians,
territories, tbe ‘ Yacana’ tribe, the
‘ Tekeenica,’ appearance, dress, arms,
huts, canoes, country, 137-141—tlie
‘ Alikhoolip,’ finer race, wigwams,
country, 140,141 —‘ Pecheray’ tribe,
141—‘ Huemul’ tribe, partaking both
of Patagonian and Fuegian habits,
dogs, ‘ zapallos,’ 141, 142—‘Chonos’
tribe, 142, 143—further details of Patagonians,
144-174—of Fuegians, 175-
188—Chonos Indians, 189-197—at
Chilóe, 380—Huilli-che, 380-384—
near Valdivia, 398-401.
Abrolhos, 63—Massey’s lead, 64—anchorage,
height, birds, turtle, fish,
remarks on squalls near, 65,66,78,506.
Aconcagua, height, 425,481.
Adventure, schooner, purchased, 274—
story, 275—at Maldonado, 283-292
—at Port Desire, 316—plans, 322—
at Port Louis, 331, 332—survey, at
Port Famine, 358 — in Cockburn
Channel, 359 — enters Pacific with
Beagle, at Chilóe, 360—Valparaiso,
361—sold, 361, 362.
Aigle Rock, supposed, vainly sought
for, 3 5 7 -
Alau island, old native there, 387.
Alerse forests, 391.
Alligator, at Feejee Islands, 562.
Andes, Cordillera of the, 349, 351, 352
—drainage, 353, 354—view of, height,
481—fossils, 667.
Andres San, Bay, 369, 370.
Anegada Bay, Spanish ship wrecked in,
287, 288—sounded, survey, 289.
Antonio San, Cape, coast near, 97.
----------- San, Port, 311.
Araucanians, chief, hordes, 106—notice
of, 149 — horsemanship, 160—laws,
164—-Colipi, son, 431—battle, Villagran,
435, 436—curious story. Caciques,
439-441—country, cattle, cottages,
442 — ‘ ranchos,’ 443 — dress,
features, doth, ornaments, 463, 464—
boys, oratory, 478.
Arauco, 437—‘ Comandante,’ 438—Ercilla,
caciques, Colocolo, story, election
of supreme chief, curious trial,
Caupolican, Indian attack, 439-442
—town again seen, 464.
Argentina, grotesque group near, ‘ Comandante,’
suspicions, 102, 103 —
‘ fortaleza,’ ‘ gauchos,’ inhabitants, advantages,
104, 105—alarm caused hy
Beagle, 112,113.
Arica, coast near, 482.
Ariel rocks, vain search for, 1 ig.
Armadilloes, four kinds, 107.
Arrival in England, 638.
Aura island, murders, 519.
Ayres, Buenos, 94, 95.