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essential articles of provision were exhausted: inactivity and
uncertainty were depressing the minds of all, and Captain
Seymour had begun to concert measures for abandoning the
ships’ stores, which had been so painfully saved, and travelling
overland to Concepcion, when the letters from Commodore
Mason were given to him. It ought not to he forgotten that
Mr. Rouse decided to remain with Captain Seymour, and
sliare his fate, whatever plan he might adopt.
Among evils of magnitude trifling vexations are little
noticed ; an absolute plague of mice caused amusing occupation,
rather than annoyance. The ground, the tents, their
beds, everything and every place was infested by mice: nothing
was safe from their teeth ; provisions were hung up, and
people were obliged to watch them. Hundreds were killed every
hour, for they literally swarmed over all that part of the
country, and curiously enough the old people attributed their
appearance to the earthquake! Besides these mice, which had
feet like those of a lizard, enabling them to climb in all directions,
even along the smallest line or branch of a tree, there
were animals that they called rats, about the encampment at
Leiibu, which deserve mention, not on account of their numbers
(as there were comparatively few) but because they were
formed like opossums, having a pouch to contain their young
for some time after birth.
Larly the next morning (24th) I went up with Captain Seymour
to the heights of Tucapel, which overlook the river and
command an extensive view of the sea. Flag-staffs had been
erected there, and large piles of wood collected, in order that
flags might he kept flying by day, and fires burning at night.
The little camp below presented a regular and very respectable
appearance: fourteen or fifteen tents, pitched in regular order,
and surrounded by a palisade with a ditch, would have caused
even a large body of Indians to hesitate before they attacked
it. I was much struck by the strength of the position, and
the ease with which it might be defended by a small force
against numbers, and still maintain communication with the
sea. There was formerly a small settlement there, called a
town, though in truth only a very small village : but latterly,
tbe river Leiibu has scarcely been noticed, except as the last
retreat of the pirate Benavides. Nevertheless it is a situation
admirably adapted for a commercial as well as agricultural
Though bread and other things were deficient, the shipwrecked
party never knew the want of water, and they had
always an abundant supply of a very fine kind of potato,
which perhaps is hardly to be surpassed in size or quality by
any in the world. Not one of the officers of the Challenger
had seen its equal, and I never recollect eating any that were
so good, and at the same time so large.* Neither beef nor
mutton were scarce, in consequence of the ‘ credit’ obtained
by Mr. Bouse. Money was soon exhausted, but the high character
of the consul was known all over the country, and the
natives trusted implicitly to Ins word.
The report of a ‘ wreck’ had quickly drawn numerous plunderers,
even from Concepcion and Talcahuano : but those pilferers
satisfied themselves secretly, I believe, without attempting
any daring robbery. During the confusion of the first
day no doubt much was stolen by Indians, and hidden in the
neighbourhood; since many articles were sold to the Talcahuano
people for spirits or tobacco, and being taken by them
to that place, occasioned a report of the officers and crew
having been stripped and plundered.
But it must not be supposed that Captain Seymour and his
officers had no internal troubles, and that strangers were their
only foes. Shameful acts of robbery were committed by some
of the Challenger’s own party : a very few of her marines
scrupling not to rifle chests and boxes belonging to officers.
This conduct, in connexion with a spirit of insubordination
which began to show itself, among some of those who knew
Captain Seymour the least, occasioned his calling the crew
together on the beach, and causing one man to be corporally
• The officers of the Blonde were of a similar opinion, after trying a
great many that were sent on board from the Leiibu.
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