verse direction of the tides. Sweepstakes Foreland may prove
to be an Island ; if so, there may be found an useful outlet to
the long lee-sliore that extends from Cape Monmouth ; and if
not, perhaps some safe ports might be discovered in that interval
for vessels caught there in strong westerly gales.
“ It is not likely that, for the purposes of either war or
commerce, a much more detailed account will be necessary of
those two singulai- inland seas, Otway and Skyring Waters,
unless they should be found to communicate with one of the
sounds on the western coast, or with the western part of the
Strait. The general opinion in the former Expedition was certainly
against such a communication, and the phenomena of the
tides is also against it ; still the thing is possible, and it becomes
an interesting geographical question, which a detached boat in
fine weather will readily solve.
“ These several operations may probably be completed in
the summer of 1833-34, including two trips to Monte Video
for refreshments ; hut before we finally quit the eastern coast
of South America, it is necessary to advert to our present ignorance
of the Falkland Islands, however often they have been
visited. Tire time that would be occupied by a rigorous survey
of this group of islands would be very disproportionate to its
value ; hut as they are the frequent resort of whalers, and as
it is of immense consequence to a vessel that has lost her masts,
anchors, or a large part of her crew, to have a precise knowledge
of the port to which she is obliged to fly, it would well
deserve some sacrifice of time to have the most advantageous
harbours and their approaches well laid down, and connected
by a general sketch or running survey. Clear directions for
recognizing and entering these ports should accompany these
plans ; and as most contradictory statements have been made
of the refreshments to be obtained at the east and west great
islands, an authentic report on that subject by the Commander
will be of real utility.
“ There is reason to believe that deep soundings may be
traced from these islands to the main, and if regular they would
be of great service in rectifying a ship’s place.
“ Having now stated all that is most urgent to be done on
this side of the South American Continent as well as in the
circuit of Tierra del Fuego, the next step of the voyage will be
Conception, or Valparaiso, to one of which places the Beagle
will have to proceed for provisions, and where Captain King
satisfactorily determined the meridian distances.
“ The interval of coast between Valparaiso and the western
entrance of the Strait has been partly surveyed, as well as
most of the deep and narrow channels formed by the islands of
Hanover, Wellington, and Madre de Dios; but of the sea
face of that great chain of islands which stretches from Queen
Adelaide Archipelago to Campana Island, little has yet been
done. I t presents a most uninviting appearance, can probably
afford but little benefit to the navigator, and the chief object
in urging its partial examination, is to remove a blank from
this great survey, which was undertaken by Great Britain ifom
such disinterested motives, and which was executed by Captains
King and Fitz-Roy with so much skill and zeal.
“ The experience gained by the latter in that climate will
enable him to accomplish all that is now required in much less
time than it would have occupied in the beginning of the
former expedition.
“ A t the Gulf of Peñas the last survey terminated. Of the
peninsula de Tres Montes, and of the islands between that and
Childe, a Spanish manuscript has been procured from Don
Felipe Bauzá, which may greatly abridge the examination of
that interval.
“ From thence to Valdivia, Concepcion, and Valparaiso, the
shore is straight, and nearly in the direction of the meridian,
so that it will require no great expenditure of time to correct
the outline, and to fix the positions of all the salient points.
Mocha Island is supposed to be erroneously placed: and the
depth, breadth, and safety of its channel are not known.
“ To the south of Valparaiso the port of Topocalmo and the
large shoal in the offing on which an American ship was
wrecked, require special examination ; and according to Captain
Burgess, of the Alert, the coast and islands near Coquimbo
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