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Baliia, or San Salvador, currents before
reaebing, scenery, present state, 6o—
slavery, its evils, 6i, 62 — city described,
63—survey, slioals, current,
ship’s course, 64, 78.
Baliias Dos, Cape, 305.
Bank Yngles in River Plata, 92, 286.
Barometer, 49, 83 — fall and changes
before ‘ pampero,’ 86, 91, in gale, 226
—at Falklands, 244, 245—anomaly near
Valdivia, 396—^before great earthquake,
411, 412.
Beagle at Falmouth, 2—paid off, 7—■
re-commissioned 14, 17—outfit, 18.
22 — plan of voyage, 24-41 — detention,
42 — course, 44, 45—at Santa
Cruz, 48—Cape Verde Islands, 51—
Fernando de Noronlia, 59 — Bahia,
60—passing Cape Frio, 66—at Rio
de Janeiro, 73-81 — equipment described,
82—in River Plata, 8 5 -
danger in Pampero in former voyage,
87—at Monte Video, 94—Port Bel-
grano, 101-110—Blanco Bay, 111—
under Monte Hermoso, 112—at Buenos
Ayres, Montevideo, 114 — San
Bias, n 6 —goes towards Tierra del
Fuego, weather, 117—extraordinary
wliite-coloured space of sea, 118—off
Santa Inez, 119 — in Good Success
Bay, passes Cape Horn, 122—in St.
Martin Cove, 124—off York-Minster
heights in heavy gale, 125—loses boat,
126—in Goree Road, 127—in Scotch-
well Bay, under sail during bad night
between Wollaston and Navarin
Islands, 223 — Packsaddle Bay, 224
—Good Success Bay, 225—Berkeley
Sound, 227, 268—Johnson Cove, 27a
—in gale off River Negro, 281—at
Monte Video, Maldonado, 282—proceedings,
283, 286 — at San Bias
Banks, 286.— River Negro, Port
Belgrano, 288 — sails with H.M.S.
Snake, returns to Monte Video, 292
— strikes a rock in Port Desire, 317
—Port San Julian, 318-321—passes
First Narrow, 322 — at Woollya,
323 — Port Louis, 327 — River
Santa Cruz, 336—Cape Virgins, 357,
358 — new route, 358 (note)—under
sail in Cockburn Channel, 359—Valparaiso,
361 — San Carlos, 363 —
among Chonos Islands, 364-378 —
San Carlos, 378 — soimdings along
coast of South Cliile, 396—Valdivia,
3 9 7 — TalCiilmano, 402 —Valparaiso,
419 — Concepcion, 421— narrow escape,
Maule, 424—proceedings, 424-
426—refit in Herradura Cove, 426,
427—Valparaiso, 428—Callao, 482—
—at Galapagos Islands, 484-505—at
Low Islands, 506—discovers islands,
507, 508—Otaheite, or Tahiti, 508-
5 5 7—Navigators, Friendly, and Feejee
Islands, 559-562—at New Zealand,
563-619—‘ Tliree Kings’ islets,
620—Port Jackson, Sydney, 621—
Hobart Town, 623 — King George
Sound, 624—Keeling Island, 628—
Mauritius, Cape of Good Hope, St.
Helena, Ascension, Bahia, Cape
Verde and Azores Islands, arrives in
England, 638.
Beagle Channel, 218—tide, 2ig.
Beaucliesne Island, 327.
Belgrano Port, 100, 101—fossils, animals,
fish, 107— climate, tides, pu-
mjce-stones, r 08—Beagle there again,
Bellaco Rock examined, tides, refraction,
318, 319.
Berkeley Sound, 227—lights on liills,
276—revisited, 327—shallow soundings
thence to River Santa Cruz, 336.
Birds, flight of, indicates direction of
land, 557, 558, 628.
Blanco Bay, shore between it and Cape
Corrientes, without anchorage, tosca,
9 9 . 10 0 -
Blanco Cape, tide-races, 303—coast
near, salinas, guanacoes, 304.
Bias San, Bay, 116, 117—hanks, 286,
287—Liehre and Paz there, Indians,
296, 297.
Boats, excursion to Woollya, 202-206
—arrival there, 207—on westward exploration,
pass Murray Narrow, canoes,
Shingle Point, 215—endangered
hy fall of ice cliff, 217—enter Beagle
channel, difficulties, 218—return to
Woollya, 220—in Ponsonby Sound,
Button Island, 223—yawl swamped,
275—up Cliupat River, 307— excursion
up River Santa Cruz, 337-357
—whaleboat in Chonos Archipelago,
363, 364—boat exploration of Chilóe
Archipelago hy Lieut. Sulivan and
Mr. Ushorne, 364, 366, 378—northwards
hy Mr. Stokes, 367—proceed-
ioffs 374, 375 — boat excursion (in
1829), 393-395 — expeditions under
Lieut. Sulivan, Mr. Chaffers and Mr.
Mellerslr at Galapagos, 485, 486, 489-
Boroa Indians, light-coloured, origin,
402—further notices, 465.
Brett Cape, 564, 565.
Brightman Inlet, fisli, 295.
Brisbane, Mr. 270—account of ruin of
Port Louis, 271—murdered, 327, 328
—burial, cliaracter, shipwreck, 332.
3 3 5 -
Butterflies, singular flight of, 117.
Button Island, 223.
Bynoe, Mr. Benjamin, 10, 21—.skill
and kindness, 77, 78 — accompanies
Fuegians on shore, 127—anecdote.s,
180, 181—account of Indians near
Gulf of Trinidad, 197, 198—remarks
on Easter Bay, large deserted canoes
and wigwams, 199—various notices,
200—at Woollya, 320—River Santa
Cruz, 337-356 — lands on James
Island, Galapagos, 497—weather during
stay, 500.
Calbuco, meaning of word, 377—origin
of name, 387.
Calbucanos, mode of life, 390—alerse
planks, astillero, 391-—loads, landslips,
Callao, 482.
Camarones Bay, wood, water, grass,
Indian tombs, 305.
Carlos, San, 363—climate, 386.
Carmen, Del, Nuestra Señora, Patagonians
near, 145 — situation, houses,
298—fort, inhabitants, ‘ Estancia del
Rey,’ settlers, Indians, 299 — anecdotes,
300—customs and manners,
trade, coal, 301 — Paz and Liebre
there, 311 —wild fowl, hunting, Indian
attack in 1783, 313, 314.
, American schooner, hired to
go for Challenger’s crew. 468—met
dismasted, 473 — sketch of cruise,
4 7 4 , 476-
Carrasco, Don Eduardo, Hydrographer
at Lima, renders material assistance
to Expedition, 484.
Castro, 382—climate, 386.
Catliarina, Santa, good harhour, inhabitants,
Cattle, wild, liunt, at Falklands, 279-
Cavahi Island discovered, 508.
‘ Cesares, Los,’ l umours of settlement,
287—Spaniards’ visit and description
of it, 392, 393.
Chaffers, Mr. 27a— sails in Adventure,
274—at Gorriti, 284—examines inlet
and river at Port Desire, 316, 317
— ascends River Santa Cruz, 337
— examines Hood Island, and other
places in Galapagos Islands, 485,
Challenger, H.M.S. at Falklands, 328
—search for murderers, 329, 331 —
report of loss, 428—confirmed, 4 2 9 -
Blonde sails to assist, 430—party go
over land, 431 — ferry, estate, Don
Juan Rivera, 432, 433—Colcura, 434
—Villagran. Chivilingo, 43Ö—coal,
Carampangue, 4 3 7—Arauco, 437-442
—country, Indians, 443—Quiapo,444
— bad travelling, 445, 446—Tucapel,
Valdivia, 4 4 7 . 4 4 0 — Leiibu, party
reach Challenger’s crew, 449—account
of wreck and suhsequentevents,
451-460 — party’s return, Quiapo,
‘ Ulpu,’ cattle, 461 — river, ranclio,
462—Araucanians, 463, 464—Boroanos,
Tubul River, 465—journey, 466,
467 —Blonde, 469—goes to relieve
Challenger’s crew, 469—delays, mistake,
470, 471 —reach Leiibu, 472—
embarkation, 473 •— Talcahuano, 475
—H.M.S. Conway receives crew and
sails, 479—causes of wreck, 480.
Chilóe, inhabitants, 379—Indians, religion,
380—foreign settlers, kindness,
barter, 381 —fish, coal, towns, discovery,
382 — population, decrease,
mines, 383—early notices, name, pirates,
Spaniards, 384 — Indians’ regret
of Spanish government, tithes,
oppression, 385 — anecdote, tasks,
patriots, climate, 386—good sites for
docks, tide-streams, 387 — Chilote
voyages, 392—deserters, Padre Forastes,
expedition, 394—‘ vaqueano,’
search. 395— meteoric appearances
(note), £95—earthquake, 416.
Chiut Island, strawberries, 387.
Chonos Indians, 130-142—hoy on hoard
Adeona, cannibalism, hostilities, 189
—‘ Niqueaccas,’ quickness, religious
ideas, ceremony, 190—burial-places,