P A P I L I O J A C I N T H A .
S P E C I F I C C H A R A C T E R .
Wings brown, fcalloped. A row o f white fpots on the anterior pair. Ends o f the pofterior pair white.
P a p i l i o J a c in t h a : alis repaiido dentatis fufcis : anticis ftriga punftorura alboruni, pofticis apice albis.
Fab. Ent. Syfi. T . 3. f . 1. 60. 187-
This curious butterfly was found in the province o f Pe-tche-lee, in China, by the gentleman who dil-
covered the elegant Papilio, Telatnon, near P ek in ; and has otherwife, by his attention to entomology,
added fome interefting fpecies to our catalogue of Chinefe infefts. P. Jacintha is reprefented with P. An-
tiochus, on a leaf of the
Urtica N iv e a , IFhite N e ttle \
P A P I L I O G A M B R I S I U S .
S P E C I F I C C H A R A C T E R .
Wings indented. Above black, with fpots and ftreaks o f green j and a band o f white tranfparent fpots
on the anterior pair.
P a p i l i o G a m b r is iu s : alis dentatis fupra nigris viridi maculatis ftriatifque: anticis fafcia maculari nivea.
Fab. Ent. Syfi. T . 3, p. 2. 264.
A fpecimen of this very rare Papilio, was taken in one of the fmall iftands on the eafteni coaft o f China,
and is in tlie poffeflion of Mr. Francillon. Sir J . Banks, Bart, has a fpecimen o f it from anoUier part of
the Eaft Indies.
« Sit G. Staunton fpeaks of a cloth that the Chinefe ma from the fibres of a dead nettle. Query, Is this the fpecies
employed for that purpofe ? no other is noticed by that author in the lifts o f plants colleaed in China.
The nettle is of general ufe in Ruflian Tartary alfo j the Kiir'iks, and other Siberian tribes, make cloth, cordage, thread,
& C .o fit. Gordon, &C.