P A P I L I O P R Y A N T H E .
Antenrice increafe in bulk towards the extremity, and ufually terminate in a kind o f club. Wings, when at
reft, ereft. Fly in day-time.
S P E C I F I C C H A R A C T E R .
Wings roundilh, above white, tips black, with a black fpot in the middle o f the wings. Beneath a pale
alh colour, with waved lines and a fulvous fpot.
P a p i l i o P y e a n t h e . Alls rotundatis albis punfto apiceque nigris, fubtus cinereo undatis: punfto fulvo.
Lin. Syfi. N at. 2. 763. 98.
Tliis is a rare fpecies, and has not been figured by any author.
P A P I L I O P H I L E A .
■ fe' /
S P E C I F I C C H A R A C T E R .
Wings entire, fomewhat angulated, yellow. A large orange fpot on the anterior pair. Margin of the pof-
terior pair orange.
P a p i l i o P h i l e a : alis integerrimis angnlatis flavis : anticis maeula pofticis limbo luteis.
Linn. Syfl. N at. 2. 764. 104.
Roefel has given a figure of this beautiful butterfly in the fourth volume of the Infeaen Bellufligmg, and
calls it die indianisehe Geldhrte; Linnæus alfo notes it as an Indian fpecies. Our fpecimen was received
from China by the late Mr. Keate; it is reprefented with the preceding fpecies on the
Melaftoma Chinenfis,
A plant recently introduced into this country.