♦ t'
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l e p i d o p t e r a .
P A P I L I O M Æ C E N A S .
G E N E R I C C H A R A C T E R .
Antennæ increafe iu bulk towards the extremity, and ufually terminate in a kind o f club.
Wings, when at reft, e re a . Fiy in day-time.
Plebeii rurales. Linn, c
S P E C I F I C C H A R A C T E R .
Upper fide black, ditk bine. Two tails to each pofterior wing. Under fide clouded with brown.
H e s P M i i M jE C E S is : alis blcandatis atris: difco cmrnleo, fubtus branneo nebulofis.
Fal. Ent. Syjl. T . I . f . l . 2J1. 45.
We are Indebted for this rarity to T . Marfliam, Efq. I t is defcribed by Fabricius from an original
drawing", and has not been figured by any author.
. T k l.ii r » a fe , alis maculis obfcuiioribus. Spots on the wings obfcure, or not tranfparent.-The yfririi is the laft family
of Butterflies in the Linntuan fyftem, and is divided into two feaions, t . t .U , and .M c J a . Fabricins removes this family ftom
the r„ p ili„ a (Buttetflies) to a new genus Btfptrie. This genns is however divided after the Linnstan method into two fefiions,
„ „ f e and M a , and contain neatly the whole ot the Linntean pMtif, in addition to the later difcovered fpecies. The eflen-
tial chataBec of the H,jp„ia is, F f p l two, comptcfled, hairy, apex cylindrical, naked. Antennte dubbed, oblong, often
crooked at the extremity.