H E M I P T E l ì A .
M A N T I S O C U L A T A .
C O R N U T E D - E Y E C A M E L C R I C K E T .
G E N E H IC C H A E .4 0 T E E .
Head ilightly attached to the thorax, unfteady: the mouth armed witli jaws and palpi. Antennæ fetaceous.
S Y N O N Y M S .
Thorax filiform, or like a thread, triangular. Eyes oblong, prominent, and terminated each in a
fliarp fpine.
M a n t is O c u l a t a thorace triangulo filiformi, oculis oblongis porreélis acuminato fpinofis. Fab. E nt. Sy/i.
T . 2. ig . 26.
Mantis bicornis thorace lævi, capite bipartito fubulato. Linn. Syfl. Nat. 2. 6g \ . I I .
Two figures o f the Mantis, very much refembling our fpecies, is given in the work of Stoll on Cicada,
(S5’c. one kind he calls L a Mante étroitement cornue, the other L a Mante Chinoife étroites cornue. T h e firft is
from the coaft of Coromandel and Tranquebar, the other, as its name implies, is a Chinefe infedt. We
cannot difcover any material difference between thefe figures and our fpecimen, and are inclined to confider
them altogether as one fpecies.
Few of the Cicada and Locujia defcribed by Fabricius, in his Species Infeéforum, have any reference to
figures, becaufe a very fmall number of them had been figured till Stoll publilbed his w ork on thofe genera.
Stoll has occafion to mention with regret, that Fabricius has fcarcely noticed any o f his plates. I t is a
confiderable difadvantage to the works of that author, as w'ell as to the naturalift th at confults them, that,
no fcientific names, or definitions, are given to the figures o f many rare infedts included amongft them.
The Mantis Oculata of Fabricius is an African infedt, and was defcribed from the colledlion o f the
Right Hon. Sir J. Banks, Bart, we have compared our Chinefe fpecimen with it, and find it is precifely the
fame fpecies.