S P E C I F I C C H A R A C T E R .
Brown. Pofterior thighs arched, thick, armed with a fpine. Under fide o f the abdomen gibbous at
the bafe.
L y g s E u s P h a s i a n u s : fufcus femoribus pofticis arcuato clavatis unidentatis abdominis bafi fubtus gibbo.
Fab. Ent. Sy/i. T . 4 . p . 1 4 4 . 3,5.
This fpecies is allied to Cimex'bellicofus, a native of Africa. Fabricins notes Lygaus PJiaJianus from
Africa alfo : our fpecimens were brought from China by the late Mr. Ellis, furgeon.
C I M E X S L A N B U S C H I I .
S P E C I F I C C H A R A C T E R .
Red. Thorax m a r k e d with a black band. Scutellum black; and a fpot of the fame in the middle of
the wing-cafe.
L y g ^ u s S l a n b u s c h i i : fanguineus thorace fafcia abbreviata, fcutello elytris punfto alifque atris.
Ent. Sy/i. T . 4. p. 1 5 5 . 6 S .
Fabricius deferibes this infeft from the cabinet o f Schlanbufch. I t Is very common in China.
C I M E X B I E I D U S .
S P E C I F I C C H A R A C T E R .
Black. A rufous bar acrofs the wing-cafes. Scutellum furniihed with an e reft fpine, which is two-cleft
or bifid a t the apex.
R e d u v io s E i f id u s : ater elytris fafcia rufa, fcutello fpIna erefta apice bifida.
Fab. Em. Syjl. T . 4. p. 2 0 4 . 4 0 .
This very fingular creature is a Cimex of Linnæus. It is a rare fpecies, and has only been defcribed by
Fabricius, who places it in the new genus Reduvius a.
» Linnæus comprehends under the general title dm ix , a variety of infects, very oppofite in appearance, though not effentially
different ; and to avoid confufion in the arrangement of thefe diffimilar fpecies in the same genus, he feparates them into eleven
diftinft families, under thc names of Aj.Un, ScuttlM, cdcopiraû, &c. Fabricius, throughout all his works, endeavours to divide
the Linnæan Cimices, and finally, in thc EniomcUgia Sy/icmnûca, he refers them to the following genera, AcaniUa, Cimex, Coreus,
hygttus, Miris, Gerris, and Kiduvius.