T E N E B R I O F E M O R A T U S .
G E N E R I C C H A R A C T E R .
Antenne like a firing of beads, extreme articulation roundiilr. Thorax plano-convex, margined. Head
porrefted. Elytra rather ftiff.
S P E C I F I C C H A R A C T E R .
Greenifh copper colour. Thighs and (hanks o f the pofterior legs dentated.
Sa g r ì f e m o r a t a : viri d i r a e a femoribus tibiifque pofti ci s dentatis . F a i .Ent.Syjl. T . I . 51, 55. i.
This in fe a may be referred to the L ln n ran genus Tenebrio. I t is defcribed by Fabricius in the Sfeeies
Injcaorum, in the new genns Alumn, ; in the Entomohgia Syjtcmatica o f the fame author, it is removed to
another new genus, Sagra. and its former fpecific name, femoratus, necelTarily altered lo fenrorata. As
the charaaers of thefe Fabrician genera are taken from the palpi, maxilla, and lablmn, we prefer the
more obvious charafters o f the Linn$an genus.
The figures quoted by Fabricius differ, in fome refpeas, from the Chinefe fpecimens. Sulzer repre
ferns I t of a green colour, without a tinge o f red purple, or copper colour, fo prodominaul in every fpe-
cimen we have feen. Onr infects are o f two kinds : one is o f a glowing purple, refplendent a . metal, and
changeable to green or yellow; the otlier is purple alfo, but not quite fo vivid, being tinged with green
M E L O E C I C H O R E I .
G E N E R I C C H A R A C T E R .
Auteimie monihform , laft joinl oblong. Thorax roundiili. Elytm foft and flexible. Head infleaed
and gibbous.
S P E C I F I C C H A R A C T E R .
Black. Wing-cafes yellow, with three tranfverfe black bands.
M e l o e c ic b o r e i : nigra elytris flavis : fafciis tribus nigris. Linn. Syfi. Nat. 2. 6 8 0 . 5 .
Mylabris Cichorei. Fal. Ent. S y ft.T . i . f . 1 . 88. 2.
This in fe a is very common in China, and fome other p a rt, o f the Eaft Indies. T h e fmall fpecimen is