I t E P J D 0 P r E R A .
S P H I N X P O L Y M E N A.
S P E C I F I C C H A R A C T E R .
■W mgs black, wiUi three yellow fpots on the anterior pair, and two on the pofterior pair. Abdomen
belted with two bright red bands.
S p h in -X P o l y m e n a : Lin. Syji. N e t. 8 0 (5. 4 0 .
Zygama Polymena; nigra alls maculis luteis antlcarnm tribns pofticarnm dnobus. Abdomine cingulis
duobus coccineis. Fab. Ent. Syji. 3 . 1 . 3 9 6 , 3 4 .
W e fufpeS tills beautiful creature is fcarce in China; a t Icall it is very rarely found among the InfeSs
brought from that country. I t is figured on the plate with the
Rofa fem p e rjlo ren s— E v e r-b low in g China Rofe.
A plant lately introduced from China, but thrives well in this climate, and bears a beautiful deep red
flower, throughout moft part o f the fummer feafon.
S P H I N X H T L A s.
S P E C I F I C C H A R A C T E R .
Wings tranfparent. Abdomen green, with a purple belt round the middle. Apex bearded.
S p h in x H y l a s : Linn. Mani. 1. 5 3 9 .
Sefia Hylas: alis feneftratis, abdomine barbato viridi : cingolo purpureo. Fab. Ent. Syji. 3. 1 . 379. 3.
The Sphinges with tranfparent wings may be feparated from the others with much propriety: Fabricius
includes them in his new genns Sefia; but that genns is not formed exclufively of fuch infcfls, his
cffcntial charaaers being taken from the flru a u re o f the fa t fi , tongue, and etntennut. The Sphinx fuel-
formis found in England fomewhat refembles this Chinefe fpecies.