f l I
Th e Bopreftis ignita o f Linnæus, we iniaginetl, was unknown in the cabinets o f the curions in this
country, till we difcovered an in feS nearly correlponding in cliaraaer w ith it, in the colleaion of Mr. Drury,
and which we prefnme is the B. Ignita, or at leaft a variety oi it. It has not the brilliance of colours that
fo eminently diftiugniflies B. vittata, but in form and fize it agrees with it. The only figure of that fpecies
is given by Olivier, from a fpecimen formerly in the cabinet of Gigot d'Orcy, of Paris. We have examined
the fpecimen in the cabinet of Sir J. Banks, referred to by Fabricius as B. vittata, and find the figure
in Sulzer is o f that fpecies, as well as the fpecimen we have reprefented.
Fabricius has given as a part o f the fpccific diftiiiaion of thefe infeas, that B. ignita has th m f f in a at
the end of each wing cafe, or elytron, and B. vittata no more than rsoe. This may fotm a fufficient cha-
raaeriliic in thofe fpecies; but we muft remark, that it is not fo in Bnpreftis ocellata. W e have two fpecimens
that have two fpines a t the end of each elytron, and another with three, as Fabricius has defcribed it.
We alfo find feveral iu fe a s nearly allied to B. vittata, the ftripe of gold on each fide excepted; one of
thefe has fix teeth, another four teeth, and a third only two.
The Bupreftides are fuppofed, for the moft part, to undergo their transformations in thc water, or
marfliy ground.
Canna h i d i c a— In d ian f low e r in g Reed.
This plant is common in China, and is found alfo in moft other parts o f Afia, Africa, and America. In
onr climate it requires to be placed in the ftove. where it produces an abundant fncceffion of flowers
thronghout the fummer. It bears a berry which is petfe aiy hard and round, o f a black colour, and highly
poliihed. I t is called Indian Shot.
B U P R E S T I S O C E L L A T A .
O C E L L A T E D B U P R E S T I S .
S Y N O N Y M S .
Shining green. Elytra terminate in three points: a large round yellow fpot in the middle o f each elytron,
and two golden-red fpots, one above and the other below it.
E u m c s t i s o cE L iiT i v ir id i „ it c u s e ly tr is t r id e n t a tis ; m a c u lis d u a b n s a u r c is o c e lla r iq u e f la v a . Fat. Eu,.
Syft.. 4. p. 2, 193. 30.
De Geer Inf. 7. 633. 30. tab. AJ.Jig. 12.
Buprefte Ocule . Oliv. Inf. 32. tab. 2. fig. 3.
Sulz. IHfi. I n f tab. 6. fig . 15.
The Bupreftts ocellata is a native o f China, and is very rare, fpecimens o f it have been found in parcel,
of Ute common fort. Olivier fays it is from in the Eaft Indies. Mr. Drury has a t e 2
ordtnary variety of this in fe a from China, it. which the two fpots unite a t the future fo s form oute
one large fpot on tlie back when the tving cafes are elnfed. ^
Thefe fpots on the wing'cafes are ftrikingly charaaeriftte o f this fpecies- a t leaft we have not b
. 0. are ffimetimes h rlw n ; p r o C h H : : : : : : ^