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B U P R E S T I S V I T T A T A .
G O L D E N - S T R I P E B U P R E S T I S .
G E N E R I C C H A R A C T E R .
Antennæ fetaneons, as long as the thorax. Head half retraHed, or drawn back within the thorax.
S P E C I F I C C H A R A C T E R .
Elytra itnpreffed with points or fpots : marked with four longitudinal ridges, and terminated in two teeth
or fpines; a ribbon-like ftripe o f golden yellow, down each elytron.
B u p r e s t is V i t t a t a : elytris bidentatis p u n d a lis : lioeis quatuor
Fab. Ent. Sy/i. 1. 2. 186. 5.
Buprefte Bande-dorée. Olm. Inf. 32. tab. 3. Jig. jy .
s viridi æneis vittaque lata aurea.
. • i f e k A
The Eupreftdes form an extenCve, and moil brilliant tribe o f coleopterons infea s. Braffl and New
Holland produce fome gigantic fpecies, but none more beautiful than thofe of India. We need adduce
no other pro o fo f this, than Bnpreftischryfis. fternicoms, attenuata, ocellata, and vittata. Thefe wrought
mto vanons devices, and trinkets, decorate the dretfes « of the natives in many parts o f India. The
Enprefl.s v .tta t. to partienlar, is much admired among them. I , is, we believe, entirely peculiar to China,
where It ts fonn tn vaft abundance, and diflrihn.ed from thence a . a low price among the other Indians.
TheChtnefe, who always profit by the cnriofity o f Ettropeans. eolleft vaft .n an ti.ie s o f this Bnpreftis,
and other gay tnfeas, tn the interior o f the eountr,,, and traffic with them.
n « u ! i r ' t h “ ' ig“- o f l i n -
H th W e " to A f i^ .D » ,.E n „ f ro „ iy . for the Bnpreftis vitta ta; and to the
however find th f ' “P ' ’ “ " “Proftis ignita. In the Entomohgia Syjlcmatica we
r v r i ° '“T r r r
* Vol. J. part 2. p. ,02. 28.