T E T T I G O N I A S P L E N D I D U L A .
S P E C I F I C C H A R A C T E R .
Wing cales brown, highly gloffed with a golden tinge. Thighs of the fore pair o f legs thick; armed
with teeth : colour red.
T e t t i g o n i a s p l e n d id u l a : elytris fufco aureis, tibiis anticis incraffato dentatis rufis. Fah, E/U. Syfi.
The in fe a added under this Fabrician characler, is the fame that author defcribed from the cabinet of
Mr. Drury, and to which he exclufively refers. We believe the fpecimcn'is unique, a t leaft we have not
feen It in any oUier colleaion; and it has not been figured in any preceding publication. In the Linna-an
arrangement it muft be placed in the Cicada genus.
C I C A D A A B D O M I N A L I S .
S P E C I F I C C H A R A C T E R .
Shining black, wMi two yellowiih bonds acrofs the wing-cafes. Abdomen blood red, ,
CICADS ABD0.M1N.1LIS 1 atta ultlda elytris fafciis duabus flavefcenübiis. Abdomine fanguineo.
An undcfcribed fpecies; allied both to the C crcfh crucnuta and Cercofh -vcrf,color of Fabricius, but
clearly d iftina from e ith er; the thorax of the former being black; and the elytra o f the latter marked at
the bafe wilh two white fpots : the abdomen black. The thorax of our fpecies is black ; it has no white
fpots on the elytra; and the abdomen is o f a fanguincous red colour
C I C A D A F R O N T A L I S .
S P E C I F I C C H A R A C T E R .
Wing-cafes red. Five black fpots on the head and thorax, and one in front between the eyes.
Cicada fbontalis ; pallida occipite thoraceque pumTis qulnqne nigris, fronte pmiao nigro inter oculos,
elytris fanguineis.
W c are unable to difcover Ihls fpecies among the defcriptions o f Fabricius, and conclude it muft be a
new in fe a . Thc fituation o f the black fpots on the thorax, and efpecially that on the front of the head,
conftitute the decifive criterion o f this fpecies.