I > ¡■■II'
P A P I L I O B E R N A R D U S .
F E S T O O N O R A N G E B U T T E R F L Y .
S P E C I F I C C H A B A C T E R .
Orange colour. A broad bar of yellow acrofs the anterior pair o f wings: ends black, Pofterior pair with
two tails, and a feftoon o f black fpots, with an eye In the centre of each.
P a p i l i o B b k k a r d u s ; alis caudatis fulvis; anticis apice atris; fafcia flava, pofticis ftnga pmiaormn
ocellatorum. Fah. Ent. Syfi. 2. f . l . 71- 223
This nncommouly rare Chinefe butterfly has certainly never been figured in any preceding work. It
will alfo be probably new to the colleaors of exotic infea s, in this conntry a t leaft. Fabricius defcribed it
only from the accurate drawings o f Mr. Jones, as appears by the reference added to the defcription in his
Entomología Syfiematica.
Camellia Ja p ónica .—J a p a n Rofe.
A native of Japan and China. I t bears blofloms from January to May. This is a lofty and magnificent
plant, rifing to the height o f feveral feet; there is a variety o f it with double flowers, perfealy whitej
and another in which the flowers are variegated with white and red.
P A P I L I O E R Y M A N T H I S .
Y E L L O W y A G G E D - B A R B U T T E R F L Y .
S P E C I F I C C H A R A C T E R .
Wings indented, brown; a broad bar o f yellowiih colour acrofs the anterior pair; exterior ends black.
Lunar marks on the pofterior pair, and a row o f eye-lhaped fpots beneath.
P a p i l i o E b x m a n t h i s ; alis dentatis fnlvis; anticis apice nigris; fafcia flava, pofticis fupra lunulis, fabtus
ftriga punftorum ocellatorum. Fab. Ent. Syfi. 2. fa r t 1. f . 139- 427.
I t is the rarity, and not the beauty of this butterfly, which has induced us to add it to our feleftion.
We apprehend it is far from common in China, being very feldom fent to Europe among the infefts o f that