G E N E R I C C H A R A C T E R .
Feet eight, claws two. Eyes two. diftant from each other, and placed on a kind o f footftalk; moveable.
Palpi two large, furniflied with claws. Tail articulated, and without fting.
S P E C I F I C C H A R A C T E K .
Thorax nearly oval, fpinous. Three fpines on each fide, beak lliori, with three teeth.
C a n c e r M a m m il l a r i s : thorace ovato aculeato utrinque trifpmofo, roftro brevi tridentato.
Faè. Ent. Syft. T . 2. p . 465. 01.
In the Entomologia Syfiematica o f Fabricins we find a fpecies o f Cancri defcribed. that feems lo agree
with onr fpecimen. The fpecific cha ra a e r alEgned by that author is however lefs fatisfaaory than the
general defcription he has added. The two red fpots are very characteriftic.
Fabricius met with this creature in the cabinet o f Sfengkr, and notes its hahuat China. I t is worthy
o f remark, that this is the only fpecies o f the Cancer genns. Fabricius mentions as a native o f that
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