C O L E O P T E R A . C O L E O P T E R A .
S P E C I F I C C H A R A C T E R .
General culour blacklili brown. Wing-cafes ferruginous. Beak long, margined with fmall irregular
tubercles on each fide, and a t the apex. Anterior legs longeft.
CuKCULio LOKGIPES : longiroftrls nigricans elytris ferrugiiiels, roftro emarginato, pedibus anticis longi-
oribus. Fah. Eni. Syft. i . p . 2, 3f)5. 4.
O lh . f g . ig i .
C U R C U L I O V E R R U C O S U S .
S P E C I F I C C H A R A C T E R .
Snout iliort, colour throughout black, with a faint brafly glofs. Wing-cafes befet with ftriae o f elevated
points, and terminated at the apex in a fingle obtufe protuberance.
C u r c u l io v e r r u c o s u s ; breviroftris aeneo niger elevato pumftatus elytris poftice verrucofis. Linn. Syft.
N a t. 2 . 6 i 8 . 9 0 .
Fah. Ent. Sy/i. 1. p . 2. 476. 353.
All the fpeclmcns o f this Curcuiio th a t have come under onr infpeflion, are natives o f China. Fabricius
fays it is from the Cape o f Good Hope b.
C U R C U L I O B A R B I R OS T R I S .
S P E C I F I C C H A R A C T E R .
Entirely black. Beak long, and bearded. Three fpines on the anterior fliank o f the legs.
C o ic u u io BAMIKOSTKIS; longiroftris niger roftro barbato, tibiis anticis tridentatis. Fui. Em. Syyi. I.
y. 2. 418. 105.
Uncommonly fcarce. Fabricius refers for this in fe a to the colleaion o f Cramer. We have only feen
the fpecimen from which our figure is taken.
b T h e maccoracy of this remark of Fabricius w ill appear by comparing the defcriptions and fynonyms of Curculio loogipes,
in his S y .« « with the fame fpecies in his iy y l- .lim . In .he fir« he deferibes Curculio lonEipes, quote,
fig. 3. tab. 3 3 . vol. 2. of Mr. Drury’s work, and gives its habitat. Cape of Good Hope. In his laft work he gives thc iame de-
fcription, changes the reference from Mr. Dmry's work to that of Olivier, fig. 101; hut continue, the other references, by w hich
the Chinefe fpecies is probably unintentionally left as a native o f Africa.
This can be no other than Curculio verrucofus, though our fpecimen came from China, and that
noticed by Fabricius from the Cape o f Good Hope. The three elevated ftrise o f warts on each o f the wing
cafes, and the intermediate double row of imprefled points, are decilive in our opinion o f tliis fpecies.—
We have another that is mottled with clay colour, which is probably found in Africa.
S P E C I F I C C H A R A C T E R .
Probofcis iliort. Entirely covered with green fcales. Imprefled lines on the thorax and probofcis.
C u r c u l io s q u a m o s u s : breviroftris viridi fquamofus roftro thoraceque canaliculatis. Fah. Ent. Sy/i. 1 .
/ . 2. 452. 244.
A fmall, but fiiperb fpecies, being totally covered with minute fcales o f an oblong form, and refplen-
dent green colour, interfperfed with changeable fparks o f gold and crimfon, in various refleaions o f light.
This fcaly covering is not unlike th at of Curculio argentatus found in E ngland; but o f a brilliance fcarcely
inferior to the gem-like fpangles on the Curculio imperialis o f Brazil.—Curculio fquamofus is reprefented
111 Its natural fize, in the annexed platej and, in juftice to an infeft of fuch uncommon beauty, an additional
plate IS given, to exhibit its appearance in the opaque raicrofcope.—It is extremely common in