I 'I
P A P I L I O T L L A M O N .
T E L A M O N B U T T E R F L Y .
G E N E R I C C H A R A C T E R .
Antennae increafe in bulk towards the extremity, and ufually terminate in a kind o f club.
Wings, when at reft, ereft. Fly in day time.
S P E C I F I C C H A R A C T E R .
Wings and tail yellowifli, with fpots and bands o f black. A red ftreak on the under wings.
P a p i l i o T e l a m o n : alis caudatis concoloribus flavefcentibus: maculis fafciis nigris; pofticis utrinque
ftriga fanguinea.
The lingular delicacy and beauty o f this Papilio is not the only claim it has to the particular attention
o f Entomologifts : it is clearly an undcfcribed fpecies; and perhaps the only fpecimen of it yet brought to
Europe, is that from which our figure is copied. I t was taken near Pekin, by a gentleman in the fuite o f
Earl Macartney, in the late embalfy to China; and is a t this time in the polfeffion o f Mr. Francillon o f
London, who has kindly permitted us to make drawings and defcriptions of tliis, and every other infeft in
his magnificent colleftion that could enhance the value o f this publication.
Papilio Telamon bears a diftant refemblance to P. Protefilaus, but a much ftronger to P. Ajax: pur-
fuing then the metaphorical method o f arranging the butterflies in the Linn«an manner, we have given it
the name of the father o f Ajax, who was one o f the diftinguiflied Grecian Princes at the fiege o f Troy.