P A P I L I O H Y P A R E T E .
S P E C I F I C C H A E A C T E E .
Wings entire, oblong, white, veined with black. Under lide o f the pofterior pair yellow, with a border
of red fpots.
P a p i l i o H y p a r e t e ; alis oblongis integerrimis albis nigro venofis: pofticis fubtus flavis: margine rubro
maculato. Linn. Syjl. Nat. 2. 763. Q2.
Fah. Ent. Sy/l. T . 3. p. 2. 178. 554.
Papilio Antonde. Cram. Inf. l 6. ta l. I S / . f g . C. D,
Papilio Eucharis. Cram. Inf. 17. tab. 201. Jig. B. C.
We have two forts of this fpecies; one with the marginal row o f red fpots on the pofterior wings, difpofed
in a deep border of black; the other has th e red fpots on a whitifli ground. They are certainly the
two fexes of Papilio Hyparete. Found near Canton in China.
■ I
Sophora Ja p ónica .— Sh in in g -le a v ’d Sophora.
An elegant and valuable timber tree. Sir G. Staunton speaks o f it as very frequent in China. I t Is
noticed in the lifts o f plants collected in the journey between Pekin and Zlie-hol in Tartary, and In the
provinces of Sban-tung and Kiang-nan, and alfo in the province of Pe-cbe-lee.