o f fmall gems, Thefe eyes are eight in nnmber, four are placed immediately in the front of the filver-
coloured circnlar front piece, and on each fide are two more at equal diftance», bnt rather in oblique
The body is really beautiful, thc chief colour is deep brown, ftrongly tinged with bright purple; a
broad ftripe o f orange colour palfes down the abdomen from the tliorax to the apex; the w ljle is clcgandy
marked with a variety o f cream-coloured lines and fpots interfeaing each other. Very little hair is found
on any part o f this fpider except on the thorax, which being rubbed off, difcovers a hard teftaeeous bhck
fubftance beneath.
Fabricins is the only author who has defcribed this in f e a : it has never been figured in any work whatever,
as appears by the lateft works o f Fabricios. and our own obfervation. It is not always the moft decifive
method to determine the fpecies from a concife defcription; but this is fometimes unavoidable, and in the
prefent inftance the defcription given by Fabricius accords in every refpea with our fpecimen. The only
in fe a with which it could poliibly be confounded is Aranea Pilipes, which alfo has never been figured; il
dift'ers however from Aranea Maculata in the very hairy clothing o f the legs, and it has alfo two filver
ftnpes down the b.ick: a flriking fpecific diftinaion lo feparate it from our infea . I t is alfo a native of
the Eaft Indies, but not o f China, that we are informed.
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