This extraordinary relic was exhumed from that part of the sandy tract of
Atacama which is nearest to Arica. I received it in fragments from Mr. T. R.
Peale of this city, and have been so fortunate as to recompose all the parts. The
observer is struck with the greatly inclined forehead, the extreme elongation of
the whole head, and more particularly by the length of the occiput behind the
ear; yet there is hut little lateral expansion of the head, which, with the face, is
narrow in proportion throughout.
This cranium belongs to a child not more than five years of age, and
presents the following measurements.
Longitudinal diameter, . . 1 6.9 inches.
Parietal diameter, * . 4.6 inches.
Frontal diameter, . . . “ . > 3.7 inches.
Vertical diameter, . . 4.3 inches.
Extreme length of head and face, . . 7.5 inches.
Internal capacity, , . 64. cubic inches.
Capacity of the anterior chamber, 17. cubic inches.
Capacity of the posterior chamber, « . 47. cubic inches.