Napoleon, and by that gentleman deposited in my collection at) the request of
my friend Dr. M.Burrough, United States Consul at Vera Cruz. The certificates
which accompanied this skull go to prove that it belonged to an Indian of the
unmixed race, but of whose history nothing is stated. It therefore only remains
to subjoin the usual
Longitudinal diameter, . . . .
Parietal diameter, . . . .
Frontal d iam e te r ,......................................
Vertical diameter, . . . . .
Inter-inastoid arch, . . .
Inter-mastoid line, . . . . .
Occipito-frontal arch, . . . .
Horizontal periphery, . .
Internal capacity, . .
Capacity of the anterior chamber,
Capacity of the posterior chamber, .
Capacity of the coronal region,.
Facial angle, . . . . . .
6.6 inches.
5.3 inches.
4.3 inches.
5.2 inches.
14.6 inches.
4.1 inches.
13.6 inches.
19. inches.
74. cubic inches.
28. cubic inches.
46. cubic inches.
11.5 cubic inches.
77 degrees.
A remarkably well characterised Toltecan head, from an ancient tomb near
the city of Mexico, whence it was exhumed with a great variety of antiques,
vessels, masks, ornaments, &c. It is preserved in tne collection of the American
Philosophical Society; and I am indebted for its use on this occasion to the