Morton^Crania A men c ana Pl:46. jaws and teeth being of enormous size, and the face protruding. The internal
(B 31) ATT S AIE '
D raw n from N a tu r e a n d on Stone t v <T. Colline
capacity, is greater than that of any other individual of this series in my possession.
I am indebted for this skull also to Mr. J. K. Townsend.
Longitudinal diameter, . . 6.9 inches.
Parietal diameter, . . . 6.3 inches.
Frontal diameter, ................................................ 4.9 inches.
Vertical diameter, . . 4.8 inches.
Inter-mastoid arch, . . 15.7 inches.
Inter-mastoid line, . . 4. inches.
Occipito-frontal a r c h , ....................................... 14. inches.
Horizontal periphery, . . . . 2 1 . inches.
Extreme length of head and face, . . 8.5 inches.
Internal capacity, . ....................................... 92. cubic inches.
Capacity of the anterior, chamber, . . . 34. cubic inches.
Capacity of the posterior chamber, . 58. cubic inches.
Capacity of the coronal region, 19.3 cubic inches.
Facial angle, . . . . . . • 73 degrees.
The Clatsaps reside on the southern shore of the hay at the mouth of the
Columbia river, and along the sea coast on both sides of Point Adams. Owing to
the destroying effects of malignant diseases, especially the small pox, this tribe is