then seized the musket of a soldier who stood near him, and sprang upon his
enemies, one of whom (the subject of the annexed drawing) he found already
dead, by a ball through the head, while the other was merely wounded. The
latter was at once despatched by a thrust of the bayonet; and thus by the singular
bravery of Captain Dimmick, these two savages lay dead, and side by side, in a
few moments after the action began.”
The accompanying lithograph, and the preceding wood outlines, convey an
exact representation of this interesting relic, which presents a lofty, though
retreating forehead, great breadth between the parietal bones, and remarkable
altitude of the whole cranium. The orbits of the eyes show the medium size and
quadrangular form, noticed when speaking of the Creek Indians. The fatal ball
is observed to have entered the skull at the coronal suture, at its junction with the
sphenoid bone; and it passed out through the opposite parietal bone.
Longitudinal diameter, .
Parietal diameter, .
Frontal diameter,
Vertical diameter, .
Inter-mastoid arch,
Inter-mastoid line, .
Occipito-frontal arch,
Horizontal periphery,
Internal capacity;
Capacity of the anterior chamber,
Capacity of the posterior chamber,
Capacity of the coronal region,
Facial angle, . . . .
7.3 inches.
5.9 inches.
4.6 inches.
5.8 inches.
15.9 inches.
4.4 inches.
15.3 inches.
20.7 inches.
93. cubic inches.
35.5 cubic inches.
57.5 cubic inches.
25, cubic inches.
72 degrees^