The Captain, at the time of his death, was forty-five years of age, of a commanding
appearance and unconquerable spirit.”
Longitudinal diameter, .
Parietal diameter, .
Frontal diameter, .
Vertical diameter, .
Inter-mastoid arch, .
Inter-mastoid line, .
Occipito-frontal arch,
Horizontal periphery,
Internal capacity, .
Capacity of the anterior chamber,
Capacity of the posterior chamber,
Capacity of the coronal region,
Facial angle, . . . .
7.3 inches.
5.5 inches.
4.3 inches.
5.5 inches.
14.6 inches.
4.6 inches,
14.9 inches.
2 1 . inches.
90. cubic inches.
33.5 cubic inches.
56.5 cubic inches.
13.5 cubic inches.
75 degrees.
The Ottigamie or Fox tribe, and the Sauks, constitute in language, feature
and usages, a single nation, and the social and political alliance which now exists
between them has continued for centuries. When first observed by Europeans
their territory was at the southern extremity of Green Bay, in Wisconsin, but
they have more recently occupied large tracts on both sides of the Mississippi.
The Sauks and Foxes are a finely formed people, and are said to combine in their
characters both valor and generosity. Perhaps no tribes in North America are
more warlike than these, and they possess an uncommon share of the perseverance
and craftiness of their race. Charlevoix, who wrote early in the last century,
after speaking in praise of the warlike spirit of the Iroquois, (who were ever the
bitter enemies of the French,) thus characterises the Ottigamies. “ It was not