A Seminole warrior, of whose history nothing is known. The skull was
obtained in Florida twelve miles south of the Suwannee river, and presented to
me by Dr. Eugene H. Ahadie, of the United States Army, to whom I am indebted
for various similar obligations. I t is a large head, with the Indian characters very
strongly marked, and having a remarkably well developed forehead.
Longitudinal diameter, . . . .
Parietal diameter, . . . . .
Frontal diameter, . . .
Vertical d iam e ter,.......................................
Inter-mastoid a rc h ,.......................................
Inter-mastoid line, . . .
Occipito-frontal arch, . . . .
Horizontal periphery, . . . .
Internal capacity, . . . . .
Capacity of the anterior chamber,
Capacity of the posterior chamber, .
Capacity of the coronal region,
Facial angle, . . . . . .
7.1 inches.
5.6 inches.
4.7 inches.
1 5.5 inches.
15. inches.
4.1 inches.
14.8 inches.
20.3 inches.
89. cubic inches.
52.? cubic inches.
37.? cubic inches.
19.? cubic inches.
78 degrees.
JLith. of Tohin Collins,‘W? 79 S.Thirl Si. PM®