This head appears to have been that of a female, and was brought from the
Platte river, about two hundred miles from its junction with the Missouri, by the
expedition under Major Long to explore the Rocky Mountains. I am indebted
to Mr. T. R. Peale for permission to use it on this occasion, which I do with the
more interest because it is the only Pawnee skull I have seen.
Longitudinal diameter, . . . .
Parietal diameter, . . . . .
Frontal diameter, . . . . .
Vertical diameter, . . . . .
Inter-mastoid a rc h ,.......................................
Inter-mastoid line, . . . .
Occipito-frontal arch, . . . .
Horizontal periphery, . . . .
Internal capacity, . . . . .
Capacity of the anterior chamber,
Capacity of the posterior chamber, .
Capacity of the coronal region,
Facial angle, . . . . . .
6.6 inches.
5.4 inches.
4.4 inches.
4.9 inches.
13.7 inches.
4.3 inches.
13. inches.
19.1 inches.
70.5 cubic inches.
31. cubic inches.
39.5 cubic inches.
10.6 cubic inches.
75 degrees.