Remarks.—In the above scale of results, the skulls from the mounds have
been classed with the Toltecan division, and those from the caves of Steubenville,
&c., with the Barbarous tribes. The great size of the Steubenville crania has
considerably enhanced the mean internal capacity of the heads of the Barbarous
Nations, so that it exceeds that of the Flatheads of Columbia river; but the latter,
as heretofore stated, compare fairly with the average of the entire race. It is
curious to observe, however, that the Barbarous Nations possess a larger brain by
five and a half cubic inches, than the Toltecans; while, on the other hand, the
Toltecans possess a greater relative capacity of the anterior chamber of the skull,
in the proportion of 42.3 to 41.8. Again, the coronal region, though absolutely
greater in the Barbarous tribes^ is rather larger in proportion in the Demi-civilised
tribes; and the Facial Angle is much the same in both, and may be assumed, for
the race, at seventy-jive degrees.
In conclusion, the author is of the opinion that the facts contained in this
work tend to sustain the following propositions:
1st. That the American Race differs essentially from all others, not excepting
the Mongolian; nor do the feeble analogies of language, and the more obvious ones
in civil and religious institutions and the arts, denote anything beyond casual or
colonial communication with the Asiatic nations; and even these analogies may
perhaps be accounted for, as Humboldt has suggested, in the mere coincidence
arising from similar wants and impulses in nations inhabiting similar latitudes.
2d. That the American nations, excepting the Polar tribes, are of one Race
and one species, but of two great Families, which resemble each other in physical,
but differ in intellectual character.
3d. That the cranial remains discovered in the Mounds, from Peru to
Wisconsin, belong to the same race, and probably to the Toltecan family.
N ote.—On the Internal Capacity o f the Cranium in the different Races o f Men.—Having
subjected the skulls in my possession, and such also as I could obtain from my friends, to the internal
capacity measurement already described, I have obtained the following results. The mean o f the
American Race, (omitting the fraction) is repeated here merely to complete the Table. The skulls of
idiots and persons under age were of course rejected.
EACES. Sts n• jJ
Caucasian. 53 87. 109. 75.
Mongolian. 10 83. 93. 69.
Malay, 18 81. 89. 64.
American. 147 80. 100. 60.
Ethiopian. 39 78. 94. 65.
1. The Caucasians were, with a single exception* 'derived from the lowest and least educated
class of society. It is proper, however, to mention that hut three Hindoos arts admitted in the whole
number, because the skullsof. these people are'probably. smaller, than) those of any [other existing
nation. For example, seventeen Hindoo heads give a mean of but seventy-fiveicubic inches; and the
three received into the table are taken , at that average, To'be more specific,'we will give in detail
the number of individuals of each nation as far as ascertained.
Anglo-Americans, - - - - - - 6
Germans, Swiss and Dutch, - - - - 7
Celtic Irish ;and Scots,; - - ' - - 7
English, c - J - , - . i - - - 4
Guanch6 (Libyan;) j. - - . - . - - 1
Spanish, - - - - - - - - 1
Hindoo, - - - - - - - - 3
Europeans, nation not ascertained, - - - 33
3. The Mongolians measured, consist of Chinese and Eskimaux; and w hat is worthy of remark,
three of the latter give a mean of eighty-six cubic inches, while seven Chinese give but eighty-two.
3. The Malays Malays proper and Polynesians, thirteen of thé former and five of the
latter; and the mean of each presents but a fractional difference from the mean of all.
4 . The Ethiopians were all unmixed Negroes, and nine of them native Africans, for which I
am chiefly indebted to Dr. McDowell, formerly attached to the colony at Liberia.
5. Respecting the American Race I have nothing to add, excepting the striking fact that of all
the American nations the Peruvians had the smallest heads, while those of the Mexicans were something
larger, and those of .the barbarous tribes the largest of all, viz:
Toltecan - C Peruvians collectively, - - ; - .- 76 cubic inches,
nations. (_ Mexicans‘c o l l e c t i v e l y , - 79 cubic inches..
Barbarous tribes, as per Tabie, - . - 83 .cubic inches.
An interesting question remains to be solved, viz:, the relative proportion of brain in the anterior
and posterior chambers of the skull in the , different races; an inquiry for which I have hitherto possessed
neither sufficient leisure nor.adequate.materials.
During the laborious task of collecting the facts .embraced in the preceding measurements, I have
great pleasure in acknowledging the occasional attendance and aid of Dr. Goddard, Professor W. R.
Johnson, Mr. Townsend, Mr. R. Pearsall, Dr. J. K. Barnes, Dr. Hardy, and Mr. Robert E. Peterson.