the B u ffa lo Toil. He was arrested in Arkansas on a charge of murder, and
placed under guard at Fort Gibson. He soon determined to destroy himself, and
succeeded by an excess of gluttony. Dr. Pitcher, to whom I am indebted for this
relic, adds, that “ as the Osages, Omahas, Kansas, Missouris and Quapaws all speak
a language so nearly allied that they can severally converse with each other
without an interpreter, you will find this specimen a fit representation of these
several tribes.”
Longitudinal diameter,
Parietal diameter,
Frontal diameter,
Vertical diameter,
Inter-mastoid arch.
Inter-mastoid line,
Occipito-frontal arch,
Horizontal periphery,
Internal capacity,
Capacity of the anterior chamber,
Capacity of the posterior chamber.
Capacity of the coronal region, .
Facial angle, . . . .
6.5 inches.
5.9 inches.
4.6 inches.
5.3 inches.
15.1 inches.
4.1 inches.
13.4 inches.
19.5 inches.
83. cubic inches.
37.5 cubic inches.
45.5 cubic inches.
14.1 cubic inches.
77 degrees.
“ The Missouri Indians of the male sex,” says Mr. Gallatin, “ exceed in
height the ordinary average of the Europeans ; but the women are in proportion
shorter and thicker. The average facial angle is 78 degrees; the transverse line
of the direction of the eyes is rectilinear ; the nose aquiline ; the lips thicker than
those of Europeans ; the cheek bones prominent but not angular. The women
marry very young, bear children from the age of thirteen to forty, and have
generally from four to six.”* My measurements of eleven skulls of Missouri
tribes gives 77 degrees as a mean of the facial angle, which is confirmatory of that
stated by Mr. Gallatin. The mean internal capacity of the skull is eighty cubic
inches, and but one head comes up to the European average.
Archaeolog. Amer. II, p. 130.