evident care and attention, which had been bestowed on the whole arrangement.
This head is small hut compact, and has had its full share of artificial compression.
The Chinouks inhabit the northern shore of the Columbia river, near its mouth.
In common with the adjacent cognate tribes, they appear to possess less courage
than the Indians of other nations. Mr. Boss Cox gives a sorrowful account of
them. -“ The good qualities of these Indians,” says he, “ are few, their vices many.
Industry, patience, sobriety and ingenuity, nearly comprise the former; while m
the latter may he classed thieving, lying, incontinence, gambling and cruelty. *
Lewis and Clark, at an earlier period, made much the same observations. “ They
seem to be inferior to their neighbors in spirit. No ill treatment or indignity on
our part seems to excite any feeling except fear; nor, although better provided
than their neighbors with arms, have they enterprise enough to use them advantageously
against the animals of the forest, nor offensively against their neighbors,
who owe their safety more to the timidity than the forbearance of the Chinouks.”f
They fashion their canoes and domestic implements with considerable ingenuity,
but have no fondness for the sea beyond the mere acquisition of food for their
Longitudinal didmeter, . . . .
Parietal d i a m e t e r , .......................................
Frontal diameter} . • • •
Vertical diameter, . . • •
Inter-mastoid a r c h , .......................................
Inter-mastoid line, . . . • *
Occipito-frontal arch, •
Horizontal periphery, *
Extreme length of head and face,
Internal c a p a c i t y , ......................................
Capacity of the anterior chamber,
Capacity of the posterior chamber.
Capacity of the coronal region, .
Facial a n g l e , ................................................
6.7 inches.
5.9 inches.
4.7 inches.
4.6 inches.
14.2 inches.
4. inches.
12.9 inches*
20* inches.
8.3 inches.
69. cubic inches.
32.5 cubic inches.
36.5 cubic inches.
9.9 cubic inches.
72 degrees.
* Columbia River, &c., p. 147.
t Exped. II, p 116.