These plates give two views of an Araucanian chief named Bampuni, who
was slain in an encounter with the Chilian army under General Bulnes, in 1835.
The skull was obtained hy my friend Dr. Casanova, who could only furnish the
above brief particulars in reference to it. It is a symmetrical head; the frontal
region is lofty, hut narrow, the whole posterior cranium is full, and the internal
capacity is not much short of the Caucasian mean. The details are so ■ well
expressed on the accompanying plates, that it only remains to add the anatomical
Longitudinal, diameter, .
Parietal diameter, . .
Frontal diameter, .
Vertical diameter, .
Inter-mastoid arch, .
Inter-mastoid line, .
Occipito-frontal arch,
Horizontal periphery,
Internal capacity,
Capacity of the anterior chamber,
Capacity of the posterior chamber,
Capacity of the coronal region,
Facial angle, . . . .
. 6.9 inches.
• 5.4 inches.
. 4.1 inches.
• 5.4 inches.
. 15. inches.
. 4.1 inches.
. 14.2 inches.
. 19.5 inches.
. 84.5 cubic inches.
. 32.5 cubic inches.
. 52. cubic inches.
. 19. cubic inches.
. 76 degrees.