A skull of a genuine Potowatomie, of whose history, however, nothing is
known. It is remarkable for its capacity behind the ears, and for the great length
and flatness of the coronal region. I received it from my friend Dr. Walker, of
the United States Army, who obtained it while stationed in Michigan, which is
the native seat of this tribe.
Longitudinal diameter, . . . .
Parietal d iam e te r,.......................................
Frontal d iam e te r ,......................................
Vertical diameter, . . . . .
Inter-mastoid arch, . . . . .
Inter-mastoid l i n e , ......................................
Occipito-frontal arch,
Horizontal periphery, . . . .
Internal capacity, . . . . .
Capacity of the anterior chamber,
Capacity of the posterior chamber, .
Capacity of the coronal region,
Facial angle, . . . . . .
7.8 inches.
5.7 inches.
4.4 inches.
5.3 inches.
16.8 inches.
4. inches.
15.8 inches.
22 .1 inches.
98. cubic inches.
35.5 cubic inches.
62.5 cubic inches.
19. cubic inches.
80 degrees.
PI .34?