In addition to these remarks, we will merely note the moral and political
resemblance that exists between the ancient and modem Mexicans on the one
hand, and the Egyptians of the age of Pharaoh and the ^present Copts on the other.
Slavery has degraded the faculties of both, and it would require centuries of the
most favorable circumstances to resuscitate the dormant genius of either.
A skull of large and massive developments, with a full, broad hut retreating
forehead, and great width between the parietal hones. The head is more oval
and elongated than is usual in this race, and there is a remarkable fulness of the
phrenological region of constructiveness. The face is large and projecting, and
the lower jaw broad and ponderous. This is a relic of the genuine Toltecan
stock, having been exhumed from an ancient cemetery at Cerro de Quesilas, near
the city of Mexico. I t was accompanied by numerous antique vessels, weapons,
&c., indicating a personage of distinction. This cranium was brought from
Mexico by the Hon. J. R. Poinsett, and by him ‘presented to the Academy of
Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.
Longitudinal diameter,
7.1 inches.
Parietal diameter, . 5.7 inches.
Frontal diameter, . 4.4 inches.
Vertical diameter, . 5.2 inches.
Inter-mastoid arch, . 15.9 inches.
Inter-mastoid line, . 4. inches.