Clickitat skull, from the Columbia river, sent me by Mr. Townsend. It is
greatly flattened on the frontal region, and irregular in its proportions. It is also
remarkable for the remains of an extensive fracture, commencing above the middle
of the left parietal hone, and extending downwards to the base of the skull. This
fracture has been followed by evident depression of the hone, and yet the cicatrization
has been complete.
Longitudinal diameter, .
Parietal diameter, .
Frontal diameter,
Vertical diameter, .
Inter-mastoid arch, .
Inter-mastoid line, .
Occipito-frontal arch,
Horizontal periphery,
Extreme length of head and face,
Internal capacity, .
Capacity of the anterior chamber,
Capacity of the posterior chamber,
Facial angle, . . . .
. . 6.6 inches.
. . 5.8 inches.
. . 4.8 inches.
. . 5. inches.
14.£ inches.
. . 4.2 inches,
. . 13. inches.
. . 19.5 inches.
. . 7.9 inches.
. . 79. cubic inches.
. . 36.5 cubic inches.
. . 42.5 cubic inches.
. . 70 degrees.
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