proportion to the animal region, gives docility, while the deficiency in aggregate
size is accompanied by feebleness of character.
Independence accompanied by civilisation, is the result of large aggregate size
of brain, with the intellectual organs well developed, and the intellectual faculties
Independence, civilisation, and political freedom, are the results of large aggregate
size of brain, the moral and intellectual regions predominating in the majority
of the people, aided by long cultivation. This combination characterises the
British, Anglo-Americans, and Swiss.
Among the native tribes of North America, the Cherokees and Chippeways
have made the greatest advances towards civilisation; and the coronal and intellectual
regions in their brains are larger in proportion to that of the animal
propensities, than in the brains of the Hurons and other tribes which have constantly
receded before the Europeans. These tribes have preserved their independence,
and the aggregate size of their brains, including the animal, moral and
intellectual regions, is larger than that of the Peruvians of the Inca race, who
have submitted to subjection, and larger than that of the Hurons who have resisted
subjection, but been exterminated.
As the present work may come into the possession of readers who have not
ready access to the common Phrenological works, I subjoin a drawing of the skull
having the organs marked on it, Plate LXXI, and a table of the functions of the
The organs are divided into orders and genera as follows:
Genus I. PROPENSITIES—Common to Man with the Lower Animals.
*1. A m a tiv en es s— produces sexual love.
2. Philoprogenitiveness.—Uses: Affection for young and tender beings.—
Abuses: Pampering and spoiling children.
3. Concentrativeness.— Uses: It gives the desire of permanence in place,
and renders permanent, emotions and ideas in the mind.—Abuses: Aversion
to move abroad: morbid dwelling on internal emotions and ideas, to the
neglect of external impressions.
4. A dhes iv en es s .—Uses: Attachment; friendship and society result from it. *
* These numbers refer to the corresponding numbers on Plate LXXI.