m m m Ê M m M B t t f f l Ë Ê m
This is the cranium of another Araucanian chief named Chilicoi, who was
killed in the same battle with the subject of the preceding plate. I received it
also from Dr. Casanova, who could give no additional particulars. The eye is
struck with the projecting face and: consequent small facial angle, the low forehead,
the flattened vertex, and the smallness of the whole head.
Longitudinal diameter, . . 6.7 inches.
Parietal diam e ter,................................................ 5.4 inches..
Frontal diameter, . . . . 4.7 inches.
Vertical diameter, ................................................. 4.9 inches.
Inter-mastoid arch, . . . • • • 14.2 inches.
Inter-mastoid line, . . . . 4.9 inches.
Occipito-frontal arch, 13.4 inches.
Horizontal p e r i p h e r y , ....................................... 19.5 inches.
Internal capacity, . . 77. cubic inches.
Capacity of the anterior chamber, . 32. cubic inches.
Capacity of the posterior chamber, . 45. -cubic inches.
Capacity of the coronal region, . . . . 11.9 cubic inches.
Facial angle, . . . . . 72 degrees.
The three Araucanian skulls in my collection give a mean internal capacity
of seventy-nine cubic inches, which is much more than that of the Peruvians, and
a little less than the average of the collective American race. The mean facial
angle gives barely seventy-five degrees.