The Kalapooyahs reside on the shores of the Oregon,
some distance above its mouth, but they are now a dwindled
and degenerate tribe- This fine head is among the many I
valuable contributions rendered to this work by my friend,
Mr. Townsend. It strongly resembles, in all its details,
the Killemook head already figured. The enormous orbits,
and the massive and protruded face, are among its most
striking characters.
Longitudinal diameter, .
Parietal diameter, .
Frontal diameter, .
Vertical diameter, .
Inter-mastoid arch, .
Inter-mastoid line, .
Occipito-frontal arch,
Horizontal periphery,
Extreme length of head and face,
Internal capacity, .
Capacity of the anterior chamber,
Capacity of the posterior chamber,
Capacity of the coronal region,
Facial angle, . . . •
6.8 inches.
6.3 inches.
5.2 inches.
4.9 inches.
14.8 inches.
4.3 inches.
13. inches.
20.4 inches.
8.6 infches.
87. cubic inches.
35.5 cubic inches.
51.5 cubic inches.
1 1 .2 cubic inches.
68 degrees.