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JDrawn from Nattire LyE.MatiLcws.
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which overlooks the Mississippi river, one hundred and fifty miles above the
mouth of the Missouri. There were six mounds placed near each other in a
right line, commencing with a small one only a few feet in height, and terminating
in another of eight or ten feet elevation, and twenty feet diameter. This skull
was obtained from the fifth mound in the series.” It is a large cranium, very full
in its vertical diameter, and broad between the parietal hones.
Longitudinal diameter,
7.1 inches.
Parietal diameter, 5.3 inches.
Frontal diameter, 4.8 inches.
Vertical diameter, 5.5 inches.
Inter-mastoid arch, . 14.6 inches.
Inter-mastoid line, 4.2 inches.
Occipito-frontal arch, 14.6 inches.
Horizontal periphery, 20. inches.
Internal capacity, 85.5 cubic inches.
Facial angle, 79 degrees.
The great mound on Grave creek, Virginia, is about twelve miles from
Wheeling, and not far from the Ohio river. As it is one of the largest and most
perfect works of the kind in North America, and as it has been excavated with
great care and success, I have endeavored to obtain whatever particulars have any
connection with the present inquiry. For these I am indebted to James W.
Clemens, M. D., of Wheeling, Virginia, from whose memoir, drawn up at my
request, I extract the following facts.
“ The Grave Creek Mound is eight hundred and thirty-seven feet in circumference
at its base, and seventy feet in height, and is situated on a natural
elevation of eighty or one hundred feet above the lowwater mark of the Ohio
river. The mound has been for more than half a century in possession of the
family of Mr. Tomlinson, whose son accomplished a complete examination of it