here for the convenience of fmall wood,
which is converted into charcoal. On approaching
Oban I met with a fmgidar rock,
prefenting its bare perpendicular front on
the road fide, and of confiderable extent;
it appeared to he competed of anaflemblage
of large ftones m all fhapes and directions,
cemented together by an earthy kind of
matter ; many detached pieces lay in the
Glen, and it forms the bed of the water
I eroded at the entrance of Oban. The
ftones that compete this rock are chiefly
granites, fhiftus, and quartz, rounded in
a pebble-like form; fome are very large;
the mountain may be called a fpecies of
pudding ftone, though the cementing matter
feemed to me to be very foft, in fome places,
decompofing and earthy,
This kind of pudding ftone is in conta&
with fhiftus ; in which laft ftratum good
fiate is found in the neighbourhood.
Near Kerrara Ferry is a mountain of
fhiftus containing veins very full of mica;
on ' the fummits of the rocks are many
rounded pebbles, and near Oban are varieties
of amygdaloids.
Next day crofted Conol Ferry, and
yifited Berigonium ; near which place is a
bare rock projecting bn the road fide, competed
of the before-mentioned rounded
ftones in great variety,
Berigonium is a fteep mountain, compote
d of quartzofe fhiftus, fituated on a large
traCt of low flat land, extremely boggy,
from whence quantities of peats are cut
for fuel.
The mountain is not large,' but rather
difficult of accefs ; on its fummit is a variety
of, fcoria and pumice like matter,
cementing fragments of granite, quartz, &c.
fome of which are covered with enamel
and other evident marks of fufion. Thefe