Proceeding a mile further, and at the
town end of Chapel en le Frith, is a new
piece of mechanifm, called the inclined
plane, a name which explains its nature.
It is formed on the fide of a mountain, in
order to convey limeftone to the Manchefler
canal. The carts hold about three tons
each, and their velocity is regulated by mechanical
principles. While the loaded carts
defcend,. the empty ones afcend to be filled
again. This limeftone forms a confiderable
article of commerce, being tranfported many
miles, and efteemed of a very fuperior
quality. The noted cavern of Peak’s hole
has been fo often defcribed that any further
account would be fuperfhious : but a fhort
defcription may be allowed of another wonder
of the Peak, not fo generally known,
concerning which marvellous ftories have
been told, and this plain account may at
leaft fave the reader from impofition. Elden
hole in Peak foreft, is a chafm or fiflure on
the fide of a limeftone mountain, about 30
yards in length, and from 7 to 9 yards
wide. The form is irregular, the depth
about 60.yards, the ftratum feparating at
the bottom, with fome communications of
inconftderable extent, Any miner could go
down with eafe, for a fmall compenfation;
he would call it a Jhake,fwallow, or openings
as fhall afterwards be explained.