operations being conducted by machinery,
fubfervient to the power of water.
The porcelain manufactory, "belonging to
Mefirs. Duefbury and Kean, is worthy of
the patronage of the illuftrious family who
have honoured it with their approbation.
Here the whole procefs of making what we
call China may be feenq and the beautiful
painting and gilding have conferred on this
manufacture a great reputation.
There are alfo many cotton mills, the
principal belonging to Mefirs. Strutts : and
a rowling and flitting mill, where iron plate
is tinned; with a manufactory of white
lead, and one of red lead at Darley near
On the road to Matlock, four miles from
Derby, is the magnificent feat of Lord
Scarfdale, called Keddleftone Hall, with a
pai*k, wrood, and gardens, which are defer-
vedly admired. Matlock, a bathing place,
is celebrated for its romantic fituation.
Dovedale, near Afhborne, is a beautiful valley,
through which runs the rapid river
Dove, among rocks and woods, uncommonly
ftriking and piCturefque.
Buxton is well known by its hot baths,
and the beautiful crefcent, built for the public
accommodation by the duke of Devon-
fhire.* This place is much frequented;
and throughout the whole county the traveller
may depend on good roads and excellent
Chatfworth was once efteemed among the
wonders of Derbyfhire, being a fummer
refidence of the duke of Devonfhire; is very
Hately and fpacious, with delightful gardens,
pleafure grounds, and water works.
Other curipfities of Derbyfhire are the
grand cavern called Peak’s Hole, the Elden
* The traveller will be much furprifed to fee a building
in this remote part of the kingdom that rivals the beauty of
B 3 Hole