ning due north, branches into the mountains
of Weftmoreland, Cumberland, and
Thefe mountains have been ably de-
fcribed by Dr. Aikin, Mr. Houfman, and
others; and thefe remarks fliall be confined
to their mineralogical productions; after a
few general obfervations on fome parts of
Derbyfhire, and in particular on the vicinity
of Caftleton.
Derby is fituated in the fouthern part of
the county, while the chief mountains, and
Caftleton, are in the north. The capital of
the fhire is a well built town, and of late
has received confiderable improvements. It
is fituated on the river Derwent, oyer which
there is a new ftone bridge., There are five
parochial churches, of which All Saints, the
principal, ftapds in the centre of the town;
a handfome modern edifice, the roof being
fupported by elegant columns of the Doric
order, and of confiderable fize. But the
tower is ancient Gothic, richly ornamented,
and about iSo feet high.' Here is the ancient
burial place of the Devonfhire family,
and there are fome good monuments of the
houfe of Befborough. Derby has communications
with many canals, and navigable
rivers, and is founded on a ftratum of, grit
ftone; beds of gravel, compofed of filiceous
rounded pebbles, of various fizes, are frequently
incumbent on it in the neighbourhood.
The filk mills, erected by Sir Thomas
Lombe, are fine buildings of confiderable
extent, and giving employment to numbers
of men, women, and children. The proprietor
is always ready to impart information
to the curious vifitor. The firft mill that
was built for Sir Thomas is now converted
into a manufa&ory for fawing, turning, and
polifhing the fluor fpars ; the whole of the
b 2 operations