Jumper. Borer, an iron inftrument from a foot to three feet
long, one end o f which is fteeled and worked to
an edge.
. k
Kevel. A fparry fubftance found in the veiri, compofed o f
calcareous fpar, fluor, and barytes.
Kibble. A bucket ufed for drawing up ore out o f the mine.’
Kit. A wood veflel of any fize;
Knits., Small particles of lead ore.
Knockings. Lead ore, with {parry matter as Cut from the
Knockftone. A (lone ufed to break the ore on, but fome-
times it is a piece o f call iron. ,
Leap. "The vein is faid to leap when a fubfiance interfere
it, and it is found again, a few feet from the
Leadings. Small {parry veins in the ro ck .'
Level. A n Adit, gallery, or fough.
Limp. A n iron plate ufed to {trike the refufe from the fieve
in wafhing lead ore.
Lo ch. A cavity in a vein;
L o t. A certain proportion taken for the lord of the manor.
A large hammer.
Thirty-two yards o f ground on the veiri.
A word fometimes ufed to exprefs an indurated clay
above fait and coal.
Noger, or Jumper. See jumper or borer. t
Old man. Places worked centuries ago, or In former ages.
O ’erlayer. A piece of wood ufed to place the fieve on,’
after wafhing the ore in a vat.
Opens. Large caverns.
Openeaft. When a vein is worked open from the day.
Ore. The mineral as produced in a mine.
Pee . A piece o f lead ore.
Pipe. .. A vein running unlike a rake, having a reck roof
and foie.
Plumb. A line and lead to meafure depth.