4 of ore was ever found in the toadftone ?
4 he replied, that fuch had uniformly been
‘ -the fa£t hereto, and though long employ-
* ed in the mining bufmefs, he had never
* heard that the flighted: trace of lead ore
‘ had been difcovered in that Hone, but
* that he had juft learned to his coft, that
‘ the rule was not without exception, if not
‘ in refpedt to toadftone, at leaft as to the _
‘ eat dirt or channel,
* On requefting a further explanation, he
‘ told me he had been ruined by working,
*-■ on his own account, a vein, which at firft
‘ had the moft promifing appearance, but
‘ which, after opening a deep gallery, at a
‘ great expenfe, was loft In-a bed of ehan-
* nel, where, however, it was again, re-
* covered, but in too poor a ftate to indem-
* nify him. As the mine was but a little
‘ way off, he offered to fhew it to us,
‘ efpecially when he perceived I doubted
, ‘ his
* his account: providing himfelf therefore
‘ with fome mining implements, he defired
‘ us to follow him, and we willingly com-
‘ plied. We directed our fteps about a mile
1 to the eaft of Caftleton, along the fteep
‘ fide of a mountain which fronts it, and
‘ upon a narrow road about 200 feet above
% the fubfequent plain. The mountain is cal-
4 careous; and in fome patts exhibit traces
‘ of ftrata, but its general difpofition prefents
‘ a uniform and continuous mafs, like moft
‘ calcareous rocks of great elevation. Marine
‘ bodies are not very abundant here; I ob-
‘ ferved however a few fragments of en-
‘ trochi, and fome terebratula. Several
‘ lead mines have been opened in it, and it
‘ alfo. affords calamine in an ochreous form.
If We foon reached the entrance of the
‘ gallery, which penetrates in an horizontal
‘ direction, and opens in the ftratified part
■ of the calcareous rock, in a feam of white
‘ calcareous