, T
Trogues. Wooden drains like troughs.
Troubles. Faults or interruptions in the dratum. ' -
Trunks. Wooden fpouts to convey wind or water.
Turntree. A part o f the drawing do wees or windlafs.
Underlay. When a vein hades or inclines from a perpendicular
line, it is faid to underlay.
Vein. A n y fubftance different- from the rock, a rake vein
is perpendicular, a pipe nearly horizontal.
Vat. A wooden tub ufed to wafh ore and mineral fub-
Walling. When the roads in the mine, are made with done,
it is called walling. T h e fides of the mine or gan-
gart, is frequently called the wall.
Wafh-hole. Where the refufe is thrown.
Water-holes. Places where the water dands.
Weighboard. Clay interfering the vein.
Wedge. An iron tool to get ore, fpli't -rocks, &c.
Wim. An engine or machine to draw ore worked by horfes.
Wind-holes. Shafts or fumps, funk to convey wind or air.
Windlafs. A well-known- machine ufed to .draw up ore.
See Stowces, by which name it is commonly
Windlefs. A place in a mine where the air is bad or fhort,
it is then faid to be windlefs.
Yokings. Pieces o f wood afcCrtaining poffeflion. Stowces.
T H E E N D .
L O N D O N : P R I N T E D B Y W. P H I L L I P S ,
G E O R G E Y A R D , L O M B A R D S T R E E T .