- Bltie fluor, with one bevelled edge, or a
plane on each edge.
Blue fluor, with four Aided pyramids on
each face.
Blue fluor, indented and perforated.
Fragments of odtaedral fluor.
Ruby coloured fluor, in perfect cubes, on
granulated,, or fandy fluor, of a rofe
Compact fluor, in mafles, formed on
limeftone, or in nodules. This feems an
accumulation of cube upon cube, forming
prifms, the furface of which is cryftallized.
Some of thefe mafles, which are feven or
eight inches thick, are feparated in two or
three places with a very thin joint of clay,
fcarcely thicker than paper. This variety
is comppfed of very fine veins, and fudfien
contrails of blue. ' - ,
Another variety in mafles, full of holes,
containing decompofed calcareous fpar, irt
the form of brown pearl fpar. This variety
is lightly veined with blue; and the bottom,
or part next the rock, which is called
the root, is wholly blue, and tranfparenf,
but not fo dark or fo finely figured as the
Another variety, .harder than the former,
the ground clear white, but tinged like the
lichen geographicus. This never forms
A variety having five regular veins of fine
blue. This ftone is much loofer in its texture
: and where cut acrofs its cryftalli-
zation, it prefents a beautiful honeycomb
appearance. There is another variety more
regularly divided into three veins.
The dark blue, approaching to black, is
perhaps of all others the moft rich and
beautiful, and difplays a variety of pentagonal
figures, and is bituminous.