the purple Hate near Tombay, above Callender.
After defcribing fhiftus, he proceeds
to the granatic rocks, on which fub-
je£t hè difplays little knowledge. The
peafy whin is found in Galway, confifting
of black and white grains of the fize of
fmall peas. He returns to the rock at
Loffymouth, and then proceeds to fpeak
of limeftone. The mountain kind he has
feen in the iflands refembling Parian marbles,
“ and fome of it compofed óf find
glittering fpangles as large as the fcales of
fifties.” The afti-coloured mountain limeftone
with fmall grains he obferved in the
ifle of Ilay, and in the country o'f Affynt,
to affume the exterior appearance of fliarp
jaggs about a foot long. He then defcribes
the white ftatuary marble of Aflynt, and
fome other kinds. He miftakes the fer-
pentine of Portfoy for Jafper, and a hill
6f quartz, near Rothes, for agate.* The
granite of Ben Nevis he here calls porphyry,
but he adds, that about three quarters of
the way up this mountain, upon the N.W;
fide, there ië found a porphyry of a
greenifh colour, with a tinge of brownifti
red fpotted with white angular fpecks*
Hé then returns to granite, and afterwards
mentions bafalt. Next are marl and
Chalk, and micaceous fhiftus ; then a more
' ample account of bafalts.
He proceeds p. 49, to brecica or pudding-
ftone, and p. 52, to the mountains of quartz
in Rofs and Invernefshire. ‘ Next are the -
ftfata of fimdftone, particular thofe of
He then enters the wide 'field of the
ftratification of this globe, and mentions
p. 63, the prodigious mafs of granite which
* From the Ipecimens it is a white quartz, in fome parts
eryftallized and tinged red with iron.
O 2 compofes