for flooring: but the rocks are generally a
kind of blue argillaceous fhiftus, which on
expofure to the atmofphere, decompofes
in thin laminae. The geologift will find
many interefting varieties of rock in this
neighbourhood. At the bottom of Derwent
water, the lake fo called, are a few veins of
quartz in the fhiftus mountains, containing
lead ore; but the produce is fmall and
of no moment. In the vicinity is a fine
fpring of fait water, not hitherto noticed.
It will be worth while to vifit Grofs-
thwait’s ftitiKMm^ where the traveller will,
meet with interefting fubjedts, and procure
information with civility and attention.
From Kefwick to Caldbeck are fome
mines which were formerly worked, but
there is nothing interefting to flop the tra-r
veller,. Hence tq Carlifle; near which
place is a vein of antimony, and a mine
worked for that fubftance, which I did
not fee.