óf large cavities or openings in the ftratum
filled with copper ores, &c*
There! are feme few other minés in thé
neighbourhood of little confequence.
This mine was extremely produ&ive, land
at one time employed more than 1000 peo^
plé; the rich ore was in amazing large heaps,
being in fome places 70 yards broad, in others
not above ten. It was fmelted at Cheadle,
where Coals are more plentiful ; and the
copper is greatly efteemed, and much in
requeft for large boilers, &c. being more
ductile than any other.
/ , v,
Defcriptioh o f the Surface o f the Country in
A f t e r havihg ptemifed the ftrata, it
perhaps may not prove uninterefting to give
a fhort defcription of the furface of this
county. The fub{lances found in each
ftratum have been before mentioned, nor
have we any-account on record, or proof,
of other fubftances having been found in
To begin with that part of the country
where the argillaceous grit appears at the
furface, or under the vegetable earth, will
be the moft regular method; as it is
1 confidered